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Showing 1 to 12 of 12 items


20741WV (55349): Networking with Windows Server Lab

This lab examines the services and features of Microsoft Windows Server 2022. It is intended for IT professionals who want to manage and configure Windows Server networking components. The lab experience provides the...


Waypoint Ventures, LLC

20741WV (55349): Networking with Windows Server Courseware

This course examines the services and features of Microsoft Windows Server from 2012 to 2022, including lessons and lab exercises on key attributes you’ll need on the job. It’s designed for...



20741XL: Networking with Windows Server Lab

Legacy Lab 20741BC - Networking with Windows Server 2016. This lab provides the fundamental networking skills required to deploy and support Windows Server in most organizations. It covers IP fundamentals, remote...



MCA Microsoft Certified Associate Azure Network Engineer Study Guide: Exam AZ-700

This is an ebook.  Prepare to take the NEW Exam AZ-700 with confidence and launch your career as an Azure Network Engineer Not only does MCA Microsoft Certified Associate Azure Network...


Nanfor Iberica

Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP) Self-Paced Training

In this training you acquire the necessary knowledge to implement the necessary technologies to build a scalable network based on routers and build networks of the "campus" type using "multilayer...


Nanfor Iberica

Cisco Certified Design Professional (CCDP) Self-Paced Training

Cisco Certified Design Professional (CCDP) confirms the expert level of IT professionals in the field of comprehensive progressive design, with the goal of ensuring that networks offer the enforceable requirements...


Nanfor Iberica

Cisco Certified Design Associate (CCDA) Self-Paced Training

Cisco CCDA certification provides engineering and network design knowledge. The curriculum focuses on CCDA, but extends to data center, security, voice, and wireless networks. The Cisco CCDA (Cisco Certified Design...


Nanfor Iberica

Cisco CCNA Service Provider Self-Paced Training

The Cisco Certified Network Associate – Service Provider (CCNA SP) Certification focuses on new networking technologies and trends in the Service Provider industry and validates the ability to configure and...


Nanfor Iberica

CCNP Voice Self-Paced Training

This certification validates the knowledge and skills needed to integrate into underlying network architectures. In addition, this certification confirms a strong set of skills in the implementation, operation, configuration and...


Nanfor Iberica

CCNP Security Self-Paced Training

The CCNP Security certification program involves accreditation in the field of Network Security, Routers, Switches, Network Elements and Devices. Objectives Achieving CCNP Security certification enables the knowledge and skills needed...


Nanfor Iberica

CCNA Data Center Self-Paced Training

CCNA Data Center is a training and certification program focused on job roles that maximize performance and increase the network value of data centers. Enable data center network administrators to...



AZ-1002: Configure Secure Access to Workloads with Azure Virtual Networking Services Lab

This lab includes MS Learn content which is fully integrated in the account portal and lab environment. In this lab, you practice configuring secure access to workloads using Azure networking....
